Changing your oil according to your vehicle manufacturer's recommendation is perhaps the single most important maintenance that you can perform to keep your vehicle running. As the parts in your engine work together, they create tremendous heat through friction. Without oil, the heat would actually melt these parts together. By having oil in your vehicle, it keeps the moving parts of your engine lubricated and reduces the heat. Motor oil also contains special additives to help the engine work more efficiently.
Through normal driving, the constant heat in the engine begins to break down the oil. Over time, small bits of debris and dirt can get into the oil making it less slippery so that it doesn't protect the engine as well.
To make sure your engine is protected at all times, your vehicle manufacturer recommends changing the oil and oil filter regularly. This will keep your engine working its best and may avoid costly repairs down the road.
At Lube Drx, we have several oil change services to protect your engine:
Full service oil change with standard oil |
Our value-priced basic service which incorporates advanced anti-wear, lubrication and other additives to make it a superior lubricating product:
- install new filter
- up to 5 quarts 5w30,5w20,10w30,15w40

- lubricate chassis (if necessary)
- check coolant &fill coolant reservoir*
- check & add brake fluid*
- check & add windshield fluid*
- vacuum interior floors only
- check & add power steering fluid*
- clean windows front/rear ext. only*
- check air filter
- check serpentine belt
- check transmission fluid(upon request)
- check upper & lower radiator hoses
Full service oil change with MaxLife oil |
Designed for vehicles with over 75,000 miles and can help reduce oil consumption, minimize leaks, and reduce exhaust smoke
MaxLife contains a unique seal conditioning agent that helps maintain and preserve the elasticity of engine seals to help prevent leaks. MaxLife contains a blend of premium base oils and additives that help reduce oil consumption and better resist thermal breakdown. MaxLife is formulated with additional cleaning agents that help reduce deposit formation to keep the engine cleaner and prevent horsepower loss. MaxLife's blend of premium base oils offer superior oil flow at start-up and provides easier cold starts .
up to 5 quarts of oil

lubricate chassis*
check coolant & fill coolant reservoir*
check & add brake fluid*
check & add windshield fluid*
vacuum interior floors only
check & add power steering fluid*
clean windows front/rear ext. only*
check air filter
check serpentine belt
check transmission fluid(upon request)
check upper & lower radiator hoses
Full Synthetic Oil Change |
Designed for newer advanced engines that specify a full synthetic motor oil and a great upgrade for all vehicles that provides protection superior to conventional or synthetic blend oils in all driving conditions and in extreme temperatures:
- up to 5 quarts of oil
- lubricate chassis*

- check coolant & fill reservoir*
- check & brake fluid*
- check & add windsheild fluid*
- vacuum interior floors only
- check & add power steering fluid*
- clean windows front/rear only*
- chek air filter
- check serpentine belt
- check transmission fluid(upon request)
- check upper & lower hoses
*if necessary